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Mountain View, CA 94041USA

+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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Monday - Saturday: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed


Why multiple sessions are needed for lip-tatoo?

Lip tattooing requiring multiple sessions is a common and necessary practice for several reasons. While it may seem inconvenient and time-consuming, it ensures optimal results and client satisfaction. Let’s explore the reasons behind this approach.

When a client has various lip imperfections such as discoloration, dryness, or even bleeding, achieving the desired color in a single session is challenging. In such cases, if immediate and long-lasting results are desired, the usual technique involves heavily saturating the color without focusing on color neutralization. This technique often requires using a type of ink with a high concentration of inorganic pigment particles. These inorganic pigment particles have larger ink molecules, which enhance adhesion and typically result in quick color uptake.

However, over time, these basic inorganic pigment particles, usually metal oxides, tend to oxidize. This oxidation process leads to the lips darkening and the color becoming less vibrant, resulting in thicker and darker-looking lips. In modern lip tattooing, the goal is to achieve a fresh and natural look. Rushing through the process with excessive pigment saturation can compromise this objective.

Therefore, allowing the lips sufficient time to accept the ink and undergo color neutralization within the lip tissue is crucial. Once the lip tissue has been neutralized and any underlying discoloration has been addressed, the desired color can be chosen and applied. Hence, the need for multiple lip tattooing sessions is a standard procedure. It’s important to note that undergoing multiple sessions for lip tattooing does not indicate a lack of skill on the part of the artist. Instead, it reflects a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome and ensuring client satisfaction.

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