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Mountain View, CA 94041USA

+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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Monday - Saturday: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed



You’ve invested a significant amount of money in having beautifully natural-looking eyebrows through the Hairstroke technique, so it’s important to ensure their long-term care. One of the most effective ways to maintain your eyebrows after the procedure is to consistently follow proper at-home care. Taking care of your eyebrows after the treatment is crucial as it directly affects the healing process and the final outcome. Let’s explore some simple post-treatment care tips.


During the first three days after getting your eyebrows done, you should avoid direct contact with water. This also means refraining from using any makeup remover in the treated area. This precaution is necessary to prevent premature flaking of the eyebrows, which could lead to undesired issues.
If you experience swelling, itching, or any unusual symptoms during the first week, you can apply a cold compress to the affected areas. It’s important to apply the compress for about 10 minutes and avoid leaving it on for too long, as it could cause harm. Additionally, only apply the cold compress to the surrounding areas of the eyebrows and avoid direct contact to prevent any damage.
Around 5-7 days after the procedure, your eyebrows will start to flake, and it will take approximately one month for them to fully stabilize. During this time, it’s essential to maintain proper hygiene for your eyebrows and avoid being careless, even after the flaking process is complete.
After one month, you can consider using eyebrow nourishing products if desired.

Drink plenty of water daily and supplement your diet with vitamin C. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.
Follow the eyebrow hygiene instructions provided by your technician.
Refrain from applying makeup to your eyebrows until they have completely flaked off and stabilized, which typically takes about one month.
Avoid picking or peeling off the flaking skin; let it naturally come off on its own.
Avoid vigorous activities that can cause sweating on the forehead, as it may lead to discomfort and hinder the healing process of the newly treated area.
Keep your eyebrows protected from direct sunlight and minimize exposure to dirt and dust to prevent swelling, inflammation, and potential infections.
By following these care tips, you can ensure the longevity and optimal appearance of your Hairstroke eyebrows. Remember to consult with your technician or healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific situation.

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