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Mountain View, CA 94041USA

+1 234 719 8948
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Monday - Saturday: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed



Many women wonder whether they should apply ointment if their eyebrows are swollen or red after the hairstroke procedure. To answer this question, we recommend using antibiotic ointment on the eyebrow area after 6-8 hours from the time of the procedure. If there is bleeding or redness immediately after the procedure, you should gently wipe it with a cloth before applying the ointment. Apply the ointment only twice a day, in the morning and evening, to avoid any unwanted consequences.
Applying ointment after eyebrow microblading may seem simple, but many people are unsure about the correct way to do it to achieve naturally beautiful eyebrows. You can follow the steps below for applying ointment after eyebrow microblading:

Step 1: Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
Step 2: Cleanse the eyebrow area by dipping a cotton swab into warm water and gently dabbing it on the eyebrows. This will help remove any dirt and prepare the area for ointment application. Use another cotton swab to apply the ointment and gently spread it on your eyebrows.

Note that you should use ointment specifically recommended for this purpose instead of products like Vaseline, as they can clog the hair follicles. Additionally, make sure to apply a thin layer of ointment evenly, neither too thick nor too thin, to avoid adverse effects.
You should continue applying the ointment consistently for the first 5-7 days after the microblading procedure and combine it with gentle cleansing using warm water every morning and before bedtime.
Furthermore, here are some additional considerations when applying ointment:
If you have sensitive skin or are allergic to any ingredients in the ointment, discontinue use and consider applying a cold compress and a small amount of ibuprofen.
After two weeks of the microblading procedure, you can incorporate moisturizing creams or stretch mark prevention creams into your skincare routine for the treated area.

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